
  • Journal Management And Business

    LAJUMEN: Lajagoe Journal of Management and Business is expected in the future to be developed as a means of disseminating information and scientific development for lecturers, students, and the general public as well as experts and practitioners in the fields of management and business economics. Articles published in LAJUMEN: Journal of Management and Business are articles that have been reviewed by qualified peer-reviewers. LAJUMEN: Journal of Management and Business is published twice in one volume a year, namely the period April-June and August-October.

  • Jurnal Guru Panrita

    JGP : Jurnal Guru Panrita  Diterbitkan oleh Lajagoe Pustaka berkolaborasi dengan Universitas Ichsan Sidenreng Rappang  dan PC ABKIN (Asosiasi Bimbingan Konseling Indonesia) Kab. Sidrap. Jurnal ini berisi artikel hasil pemikiran dan penelitian yang ditulis oleh para guru, dosen, mahasiswa, pakar, ilmuwan, praktisi, dan pengkaji dalam semua disiplin ilmu yang berkaitan dengan Inovasi Karya Ilmiah Guru. diterbitkan 3 kali dalam setahun mulai  dari April, Agustus, Dan Desember.

  • Journal Of Accounting And Finance

    The Lajagoe Journal of Accounting and Finance (LAJONGA) is dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of research in all leading areas of economic research by publishing the results of ongoing research in a blind and agreed-on process according to international scientific or scientific standards. Articles written by business leaders, policy analysts, and active researchers for an audience of experts, practitioners, and students in all areas of finance and accounting related to finance and education. Elective topics include research on budgeting, taxation, processes, investments, regulatory procedures, and corporate financial analysis. LAJONGA also includes theoretical and empirical analyzes related to financial reporting, stock prices, financial markets and institutions, corporate finance, and corporate governance. Articles of regional interest are welcome, especially those related to lessons that can be applied to other regions of the world.

  • Journal Informatika, Multimedia, and Infomation

    Lajutek : Lajagoe Journal of Informatics, Multimedia, And Information is a peer-reviewed national journal (overseas authors are welcome), aims to unite research in the fields of information science and technology, multimedia systems, and computational intelligence, including theory, methods, tools, technologies, applications , and Information. This journal is published twice a year starting (April-June and November-December)