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This statement clarifies the ethical behavior of all parties involved in publishing a manuscript in Jurnal Informatika, managed by the Department of Research and Public Service (LPPM) of Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, including the authors, editors, and reviewers.
This statement is based on COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
1. Ethical Guidelines for Journal Publication
A manuscript publication is essential to its ethics stated in the Jurnal Informatika. It publishes research related to theoretical and empirical studies from various sources with responsibility. It is used for science development implemented in the Country's economic growth. Therefore, coherent and respected knowledge needs to be carried out in the Journal publication Ethics Guidelines to reflect manuscript quality from authors and institutions. Peer-review articles support and realize the scientific method. It is then essential to agree on the expected standards of ethical behaviour for all parties involved in the publishing: author, journal editor, reviewer, publisher and the public.
We take all publishing stages kindly and carry out ethics and other responsibilities. The Department of Research and Public Service (LPPM) Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika ensures that broadcasting, reprinting, or other commercial income does not impact editorial decisions.
2.. Publication Decision
Chief Editor of Jurnal Informatika is responsible for publishing requests input from other editors and supports suggestions from reviewers published on the public. It is based on journal publications series starting from submitting manuscripts, checking editors, checking reviewers, checking layouts, checking plagiarism and copyright. It is under the supervision of the Chief Editor and other Editors with authority; thus, a publication decision emerges for the Manuscript in Jurnal Informatika.
3. Non-Discrimination
In Jurnal Informatika publishing process, both editors and reviewers evaluate manuscripts for scientific content without linking to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors that uphold the publishing ethics Journal Informatika, namely non-discrimination.
4. Confidentiality
Manuscripts published in Jurnal Informatika are highly guarded in their informational value, where editors and reviewers are not allowed to disclose the information about a manuscript that has been submitted to anyone, including the author, reviewer, editorial team, and publisher, except in an appropriate way.
5. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest
Unpublished material disclosed in a submitted manuscript should not be used by multiple editorial board members and reviewers in their research.
Publication Ethics |
Author Guidelines |
Editorial Team |
Reviewer |
Focus and Scope |
Open Access Statement |
Publication Fee |
Review Process |
Copyright Notice |
Contact |
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Tim Penerbit Kolaborasi Lajagoe Pustaka dan Lemlit Unisan Sidrap
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