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(Judul Manuscript dalam Bahasa Inggris)
First author*, Second author**, dan Third author***
*Institusi/afiliasi, Address institusi/afiliasi dan email
**, ***Institusi/afiliasi, Address institusi/afiliasi dan email
Abstrak (Abstract):
written in English and Indonesian a maximum of 1 paragraph without bibliography, without footnotes, and without abbreviations. Abstract should be written in a maximum of 200 words and a minimum of 150 words with the font Times New Roman 11 point. Abstract contains a brief explanation of the problem or issue under study or the importance of the research topic, objectives, and research findings. While keywords are the most decisive words in scientific writings and contain understanding of a concept, sufficient information for indexing, and assist in searching. Keywords can be single and compound words, consisting of 3 to 5 words.
Keywords: three, four, five.
Keywords (keywords): used to index articles and labels of articles. Maximum five keywords separated by commas, typed in double space under the abstract size [font times new roman, size 9, single spaced, and written in bold].
This manuscript is a template using the Word version (format *.doc or *.docx). Authors may use this version of the document as a reference when writing the manuscript. The provisions for writing the manuscript use the font Times New Roman 12 point with 1.5 spacing on A4 size paper with a 3-3-3-3 right-left-top-bottom margin. The initial version of the manuscript before being published was in Word format, a maximum of 12 pages.doc in one column, including figures and tables. Authors can submit manuscripts through the open journal system Journal of Economics and Public Policy by visiting
This section contains the background, literature review, problems, and research objectives. The background outlines the importance of this research. Then relate it to current issues, including reviewing relevant previous research. Meanwhile, the problem or problem formulation is explained by showing existing phenomena and must be related to the realm of science so that the gap between phenomena and existing theories is drawn. The problem is not recommended to be presented in the form of a research question sentence but in the form of a research statement sentence.
The objectives must be stated clearly, concisely, and are the points that will be answered by this research. In addition, research novelty can be submitted here.
Hasil dan Pembahasan (Result and Discussion): hasil penelitian memaparkan hasil riset apa adanya/jujur, hasil representative mewakili temuan dan mengarahkan ke pembahasan, memuat tabel, grafik/diagram yang diberikan penjelasan agar pembaca mudah mengerti. Hasil ditulis mengikuti metode. Bagian diskusi terpisah dari hasil, sehingga pembahasan tidak mengulangi hasil. Pembahasan menggambarkan fenomena yang diperoleh dari hasil riset, menghubungkan dengan sumber referensi yang relevan. Diskusi berisi: apa arti dari riset, sehingga asumsi dasar apakah hasil penelitian menguatkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya, memperbaiki atau bahkan bertolak belakang. Jika temuannya bertolak belakang, maka penulis harus meyakinkan pembaca bahwa temuan ini lebih baik dari yang ada [font cambria, ukuran 10, normal].
Kesimpulan dan Saran (Conclusion and recommendation for future): ringkasan dari permasalahan penelitian, tujuan dan solusi yang ditawarkan. Akhir kesimpulan menyertakan kontribusi penelitian pada bidang ilmu secara keseluruhan (terkini). Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah hal-hal yang bisa dilakukan peneliti lain untuk memperbaiki penelitian anda. Tidak mengulangi hasil riset, abstrak atau disajikan dengan sangat datar [font cambria, ukuran 10, normal].
Referensi (References): itu berisi sumber referensi dengan setidaknya 80% literatur diterbitkan dalam 5 tahun terakhir. Referensi harus merujuk pada manual publikasi IEEE Semua sumber yang tercantum dalam referensi harus dalam skrip artikel menggunakan aplikasi referensi seperti Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote
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